1. Credit Counseling Certificate(s) from: www.summitfe.org.
2. Last 2 years of filed tax returns (state and federal-BOTH).
3. Last 6 (six) month’s pay stubs and/or: SSI , disability , pension/retirement pay letters.
* Whether you are filing as a single person, filing jointly with a spouse or a partner or, or filing single with a non-filing spouse partner, you must provide 6 months income records of both- even though your spouse/partner is not filing. The non-filing spouse or will not-be affected. The bankruptcy will not show on their credit report.* If you or your spouse are self- employed, we will create a bankruptcy Income/Expense report.
4. ALL Vehicle Title(s): Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Boats, RVs, ATVs. Trailers, old vehicles , junked cars
5. Last 3-Months Bank account statements –all accounts regardless of balance if filer's name is on it.
6. Photo of drivers license(s); photo of your social security card(s) (or W-2’s from any year).
7. LAWSUITS/Garnishments: Provide Lawsuit/Garnishment Documents, JUDGEMENT LIENS filed on your
8. List all Debts by creditors' Names, Addresses, approximate amounts owed them.
Make it easy on yourself! For $35 per person or $60 per couple, attorney can download a consolidated statement of all your debts reported for the last 21 years to: Experian, Transunion and Equifax .
You Must Take 2 online Bankruptcy courses –one before you can file, the second after you have filed. The provider with the Lowest cost and best service for the mandatory course certificate(s) is: www.summitfe.org
The PRE-BANKRUPTCY Course takes 1 hour and costs $14.95 [per household –1 or 2 filers-ONE PRICE for BOTH]. Submit your answers online. Choose Attorney Alexander Hilton. Certificates will be sent directly to our email box and to yours. After submitting your answers, a counselor will contact you with budgeting information. You must respond to the counselor's comments before your certificate will be generated. The 2nd course is $8.95. ONE PRICE for BOTH If filing jointly One person may take the courses for both by registering both persons and paying one fee.